For example, if the Subject is a user, the user's name and social security number may be some of the Subject's identities, or principals. 例如,如果Subject是一个用户,用户的名字和相关的社会保险号可能是Subject的某些身份或主体。
The privacy policy type contains several common categories of PII, including credit card number, social security number, random number, and so on. 隐私策略类型包含PII的几个常见类别,包括信用卡号、社会保险号和随机号码等。
A person's Social Security Number is a good example of a pseudonym; however, for legal concerns it is not the best choice. 一个人的社会保障号码(SocialSecurityNumber)就是假名的好例子;然而,考虑到法律因素,它不是最好的选择。
Many online forms contain confidential information, such as a social security number, a credit card number, or a home address. 许多在线表单都包含机密信息,比如社会保险号、信用卡号、或家庭住址。
The model states whether a given role, for example administrative staff, may see a given entity type, for example social security number, phone number, or address. 此模型声明,某一给定角色,例如,行政人员,是否能看到某一特定的实体类型,例如,社会安全号、电话号码或地址。
Corresponding to each social security number is the employee data entered on each panel. 与每个社会安全号对应的是在每个面板中输入的员工数据。
This XML file includes information such as employee name, department, and Social Security number. 这个XML文件包括了诸如员工名、部门和社会保险号码之类的信息。
The system shall determine whether a claimant is already a registered user, based on his/ her social security number. 对索赔者,系统要根据其社会保险号码确定其是否是注册用户。
It's okay to put your Social Security Number and date of birth on your resume. 把社会保险号和出生日期放在简历里没有关系。
Currently, you need a social security number to get or renew a licence. 目前,要获得或更换驾照,尚需持有社会安全号码。
What is your Social Security Number? 你的社会安全号码是什么?
I also had Joel's Social Security number, the keys to the kingdom. 我也得到了乔尔的社会安全号码,这可是通往私人王国的钥匙。
You can pass customer ID or customer name or customer's social security number as the value of the findby query parameter. 你可以传递客户ID或客户名或客户的社保号码,将其作为findby的查询参数值。
In order to get a job, you have to have a social security number. 为了找工作,你必须要有一个社会保险号码。
Many United States institutions now require all students to secure a social security number to be used for identification purposes on school records, college identification cards, etc. 许多美国学校现在要求学生取得社会生活保障号码以供在学校纪录和学生证等上使用。
One fugitive created 33 different identities from a stolen Social Security number. 一个逃犯窃得一个社会保险号码后,就打造出三十三个身分。
She refused to give them her Social Security number. 他拒绝提供自己的社会安全号。
Obviously, without a social security number, one does not get a credit score. 显然,对于没有美国社会保险号码的人,是不可能有信用记录的。
The social security number she gave us belongs to a102-year-old woman. 她给我的社保号是属于一个102岁的女人的。
If you go there just before the beginning of fall's semester, you can get your student ID and social security number there. 如果你在秋季学期开始之前就去那里,你可以从那里获得学生证和社会保险号码。
On the signature card she printed her name, address, home phone number, social security number, driver's license number, date of birth, occupation, and her employer's name and address. 在签名卡上,她写上姓名、家庭电话号码、社会保险号码、驾驶证号码、出生日期、职业和她的雇主的名字、地址。
The pattern in this statement is a simple test for a US Social Security Number. 此语句中的模式是用来测试美国社会安全号码的简单测试。
The standard practice is to ask a series of questions: they ask for name, account number, address, date of birth and social security number. 通常的做法是提出一系列问题:要求提供姓名、帐号、地址、出生日期和社保号码。
Your ID would identify you as a person with name, address, email, and social security number. 你的ID将确认你的姓名、地址、电子邮件以及社区安全码。
I did a trace on your social security number. 我跟踪你的社会福利号码。
When you have hired one, you will have her name, phone number, and social security number. 当你雇用一个,你将她的名字,电话号码和社会安全号码。
Questions are regarding your name, telephone number, Social Security Number, reference information, driver license, bank routing and bank number, DOB, etc. 问题是对于你的名字、电话号码、社会安全号码,参考信息,司机执照、银行和银行路由号码出生日期等。
Just give the representative your Social Security number or EIN and you're done. 只是让代表你的社会安全号码或艾因和你做。
You can think of each electron as having its own social security number IP That is important. 你可以去设想每个电子,都好像是一个人有他自己的社会保险号,地址或者其他一些类似的东西。,or,IP,address,or,something,like,this。,这是很重要的。
Everyone whose social security number ends in an even number, step forward, please. 社会安全号码以偶数结尾的请向前一步。